Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 3 Reflections

Well, I just have a minute as people are finishing up their lunches and class begins again... here is what has been going on ...

The first night we had a welcome dinner that was combined with a "protocol" service  they called it. It was incredible. YWAM has been here for 10 years but it was the first time it had ever been official this year. They officially welcomed the Islanders, the Koreans and Asians and other nations into Canada. It was as if they were giving them spiritual authority and permission to be in the land. it sounds strange if you had not seen it but there was something that shifted in the spirit realm. It was inspiring and if people had never felt the presence of the Lord before they felt him that night. IT was incredible. From the moment I walked in I was standing in a spirit of humility. I felt so grateful to be here. Because I truly felt the presence of God. Tears streamed down my face as the founders of the Ranch stood up and began to speak about the vision God had given them. The wife in the couple I think her name was Janice? She is part Native and talked about how growing up she was ashamed of that heritage but when God laid it on their heart to buy this land that she learned she had a natural authority in the land because of that part of her bloodline. I get goosebumps even now thinking about how much authority God has given me and my family. It was an amazing night.
There are many Samoan's and Fijian students. they are incredible. they have already done like 2 war dances against spiritual powers of darkness. So powerful. yesterday in the morning there was an older woman in our class who shared about her difficult childhood and talked about how she had chosen death and not life. how she lived her whole life in fear of Satan and believing that she would become clinically insane like her mother had been. Pastor Vai (the Samoan pastor here) spoke to her and said that they wanted to do a prophetic dance to call out the life in her, the life of God and to battle with her against the spirit of Darkness. It was amazing. God broke chains in her heart yesterday that you knew she had lived with forever. The young men gathered around and had serious war faces on that could scare anyone and they made it clear that the faces were against the spirit of darkness and the demons, not against her, but that were calling out life. Does that make sense? OH, it was beautiful to see God break that off of her.
I had an opportunity to share how I felt yesterday and what God was speaking. You know how I love to speak. It was so neat. I do feel such a strength in my spirit. I know already that if this is how the first 2 days were, oh God what he will do in the next 5 months. I am excited about getting to truly know all the different people that create our little family here. 
I will keep more updates coming as i can. 

blessings to all and I love and miss you all...


  1. hey kimmie! i'm so glad you are experiencing God in such a cool way! and it's great that you made it to canada safely and are enjoying your time so far! this was meant to be. : ) i love you!

  2. Oh Kim, I love you! And I love the Samoan culture... glad you have some islanders to love on you.
    I'm so glad things are going so well. Thanks for keeping us updated.
